This I promise you...
I will not be a perfect parent but I will be the best parent I can be.
I will never stop reading and singing to you and with matter how dorky you think it is:)
I will never take you for granted.
I will show you as much of the world and all the diverse people in it as I possibly can.
I will never be too busy to help you with your homework, or a project, or to talk or anything you will ever need.
I will teach you that money and things are completely unimportant compared to integrity, humbleness and empathy.
I will teach you to give.
I will teach you to love.
I will teach you to respect people's differences.
I will never put my needs before yours.
I will always think you are beautiful and matter if you come home with rainbow hair, tattoos on your eyelids or no arms or legs.
I will share our lives with people of dignity and honesty.
I will kiss and hug you every day even if you get too cool for it.
I will not stop caring about what you eat or get too lazy to cook you good meals.
I will always give you the benefit of a doubt and a chance to explain.
I will never say "Do as I say and not as I do".
I will make sure your home is always a refuge and a safe haven.
I will never be too old to splash through puddles, dig up worms, jump in the fallen leaves, or lie on my back and look at clouds with you.
I will keep everything you ever make for me.
I will always care about your grades and make sure you are doing well in school.
I will give you rules and guidelines and make sure you know what they are and that you follow them.
I will punish you when you don't...because I love you.
I will never make you feel like a burden in my life.
I will take you to the beach and build sand castles with you.
I will eat ice cream on hot summer days and drink hot chocolate on cold wintry nights with you.
I will swing on monkey bars with you at the park.
I will tell you I love you before bed every night...and at the end of every phone call...AND even when I don't like you very much at that moment in time.
I will ALWAYS love you.
I will color with you, run through the sprinklers with you, throw the football with you, come to your ball games or art shows or poetry readings, dance recitals, concerts or whatever...I will be there.
I will not leave your baby book unfinished.
I will not stop taking pictures of you and being proud.
I will make you homemade chicken noodle soup and let you watch cartoons all day when you are sick.
I will care about what you have to say and listen when you talk.
I will eat dinner at the table with you.
I will teach you to have an open mind and not be ignorant.
I will teach you to love people for who they are on the inside.
I will get you a math tutor:)
I will laugh at your knock knock jokes.
I will teach you how to grow things.
I will teach you how to take only what you need.
I will teach you how to grow things.
I will teach you how to take only what you need.
I will give you a curfew and check to make sure you are where you say you are.
I will be the cool mom when your friends come over.
I will teach you about good music...classic rock:)
I will make a big deal out of your birthday every year.
I will put up a tree, dye eggs, carve pumpkins and cook massive dinners every holiday.
I will take you on vacation with me.
I will make sure we continue to donate our time, money and possessions to charity and teach you why this is important.
I will get you a dog if you want one.
I will hold a funeral for any of your critters we lose along the way.
I will pop popcorn and cuddle up under a blankie with you on movie nights.
I will have "The Talk" with you before it is too late.
I will slip you notes into your book bag and lunchbox.
I will make you try everything at least once.
I will not come to your school looking a hot mess.
I will take you camping and show you how to roast the perfect marshmallow.
I will push you on the swings until my arms turn to mush.
I will check to make sure you brush your teeth every night.
I will peek in on you before I go to bed at night.
I will make you wash your hands before you eat...every time.
I will teach you how to cook and clean and do laundry so you are not helpless like so many men.
I will make cupcakes for your classroom.
I will make you eat green things.
I will be your mother and not your friend.
This I promise you...and so much more, my love.